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Top Reasons Your Pet’s Haircut Is More Expensive Than Yours

reasons pet frooming is more expensiveOur top reasons your pet’s haircut is more expensive than yours delves deep into the lives of the furry and fabulous. Not really, but they do give you a better understanding of why you typically dish out as much, or more, for a trip to the groomer as you do to the human version.

Bumper To Bumper, Medical Necessities

In a previous post, we talked about the medical benefits and preventative measures of grooming your four-legged friend. Through regular brushing of their coat, you remove excess hair (which helps your vacuum and Max during the summer months), check for any new lumps or unwanted parasites, and improve circulation.

When you take your dog or cat to a professional pet stylist, they (we) trim in the not-so-glamorous sections from head to tail. This treatment includes removal of tear stain buildup or other such eye-related material, nail trimming, and back side servicing.

Keeping hair out of your dog’s eyes will help prevent irritation and infection, and the same goes for hair in their ears. We understand the balance between enough fur to help protect vital parts of eyes and ears, and too much that it harbors bacteria or dirt that can cause discomfort.

Nail trimming comes in handy for cat owners appreciate the upholstery on their furniture in its original condition. Dog owners also reap the benefits of short paw nails, as they don’t scratch humans or floors the way long nails do. Plus, short nails on pets won’t break off into the pads of their feet the way like longer talons.

When we, as groomers and stylists, get to the end zone of your pet, our role of medical aesthetician increases. Glands in nether regions sometimes fill and need freedom of expression, and that’s where we can help relieve any pressure caused by swelling.

These in-depth services are not usually menu items for most salons. We, as professionals, go the distance, and the additional effort appears in our prices, one reason why Fido’s ticket is higher than your salon visits.

To Look Good Is To Feel Good

Billy Crystal used the phrase “to look good is to feel good” in Saturday Night Live skits starring his character Fernando. Funny stuff aside, this is absolutely true for those of us on two legs as well as four.

We love the way professionals help our best version rise to the surface, and pets are no different. Domestic companions flourish under the bright lights and doting efforts of groomers and stylists.

Fortunately for our aesthetic magicians, we can understand words and tone of voice, leading to greater cooperation when it’s necessary to reach those unnatural angles of the anatomy.

An often unwritten line item on your groomer’s invoice is the time it takes to complete the task at hand. Some pets are fully cooperative at all times, while others yield to the distraction of shiny objects or new smells. Refocusing efforts lend themselves to additional clock time, and that leads to a higher final tally.

Clean Up, Aisle Five

As responsible pet owners, we know that sometimes the job is messy. Nerves, medical conditions, or unclear communications can sometimes lead to accidents.

The reasons are plenty as to why otherwise flawlessly potty-trained pets make a mess indoors. As professional handlers, we see animals get nervous and relieve themselves in the most fundamental ways. Or, maybe it’s a timing issue, the dog or cat arrives just after a big bowl of water or food.

It might not happen during your first or 40th trip to the pet salon, but it could occur. The “maybe” factor is also part of the pricing for services. It would be unfair to include the extra effort after the fact and expect you to pay for the additional expense.

Don’t Bite The Hand That Styles You

Similar to the mess created by nervous critters, another way to express unhappy emotions is through aggression. Not all pets or breeds will show their unsettled state through physical measures, but the possibility is always there.

As uncomfortable as it is to clean up excrement, the process of correctly handling a bite is exponentially worse. We all aim for a safe, pleasant environment where everyone involved enjoys their experience, but sometimes we have to take additional measures to remain in our blissful bubble.

“I’m Worth It” — What your pet says every time you hand over payment for their visit. Book your appointment today.

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